Monday, 18 April 2011

Photoshoot in progress.....

Some photos taken by my lovely assistant Heather during the photoshoot with Andy....

5 weeks to go.....

So 5 weeks to go until I put up my final show and throughout the whole project I have failed to blog! I have started to give out my postcards (which are beautiful, photographed by AndrewF!/pages/andrewf-photography/41006849089 ) and realised that people will be visiting this page and seeing nothing. So lets get started at being a proper blogger...for real this time.

Well my children's book (which is what I am making for my final major project) is well on its way. Ruby is looking beautiful and has made friends with the whole studio. My sister is doing a photoshoot for me next week which should be really good as her photography is wonderful (will show you some at a later date). All in all I am really happy with how the project is going, feeling very positive, despite having no life outside of Ruby and her world.

So here she is more recently......