Wednesday, 20 October 2010


I was looking at the top drawer trade show for our business module and came accross Poppy....children's dresses based on a little girl called Poppy! They follow her adventures and each dress comes with a little story book.....Everything is made in the UK so it's all good for the environment etc etc.....The colours and shapes are inspired by the 1930's.....It's a lot like my project!!
I'm gonna take this as a good point as they seem to be doing very well for themselves. As my work is embroidered and will look very very different I'm not going to worry too much that my general idea isn't very unique.....
They're very pretty anyways so thought I'd put the link on here....

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

woven play....

Wovenplay Collection: Image 14
Wovenplay Collection: Image 6Wovenplay Collection: Image 14

I spotted wovenplay in selvedge magazine the other day but now am seeing it everywhere I look. The clothes are very innocent and naive and VERY playful. Love it....
Wovenplay Collection: Image 15

beautiful boutique.....

this is what I want my boutique to look like! it is beautifully amazing...

Sunday, 3 October 2010

My theme and concept boards....


I've never had a blog before but i thought that now was the time to have a go. I've just started my new project and moved into my new sewing room and am having rather a lovely time with them.